new instance it is up and stable
new procedure inplemented for more safety and preventnin further data corruption.
new instance it is up and stable
new procedure inplemented for more safety and preventnin further data corruption.
I will try to find some time in the next few days to redo lineage 2 server instance.
This will require some downtime - about 4h (database migration and actual server and logs ... many stuff more)
I will let you know about downtime window when underliing stuff it is ready for migration
In this case will be an cpu and ram update also - new machine in place.
Have fun!
Found out why some crest are not shown correctly: table was corrupted
I had to remove all crest and ally crests to see if problem persists.
I will keep an close eye on the issue!
Sorry for the issues created
Hi Zhenya,
Thank you for your bug report!
All the above and below have been fixed!
Indeed you are current owner of Aden Castle.
IDK at this point what happend (I have a clue).
I will investigate further!
Thank you for bug report!
Hi all,
I have changed rates for server to:
I did this because all farm with bots so it's more than fine to lower rates at this point!
Later in year - after more dev to new server - will be Interlude x15 with new Classic Interlude client.
This will take a while to complete, but it will be fun to play!
Have fun!
I have now a new client - more clean and more stable!
Thank you!
Hi all,
Here is the new system for L2Masters.EU - more cosmetic changes to look more like Lineage!!!
This system will work with x50 Masters and x5 Masters as well!
Panda! :
I have redone Refund option tab in Buy/SellRefund operations.
Now it suports up to 200 items to Refund!
This is available for 1h and on same game session.
If you restart in meantime, items are gone!
Panda! :
Here there will be no wipe on x50 Masters!
I will build an x5 server with same login credentials for x5 and x50 but separate items/skills/chars and all
Also some modifications of system - nothing major - for more clarity on connect!
Panda! :
It was an power outage in the early morning : and power was used for firewall more, than actual L2 host
It recovered himself at morning restart!
Panda! :
Number of slots at this moment is:
I guess those setting are more than enough for any char for PvE and for PvP.
Three lines of buffs are more than easy manage!
Default are like: 20 + 12 + 12 + 12
And for 2h buffs are more than enough to farm/pvp/siege!
Panda! :